Looking at the sky is my favourite thing to do. Aimlessly; at the same time, thinking.
Thinking about life. And also 'life' after life.
Like, self reflection.
I did a lot, I guess, basically in 2014. I hope I've changed to a better person with better personalities, after all the things happened in this year.
A tough year.
Full of tears, but still there is always happiness somewhere in between.
Well, Allah has said so in Quran, in surah Ash-Sharh (94), verse 5 and 6.
For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
So, let me share my collections of sky in 2014 :)
7/1/14 - Beautiful sunset | Palachova Hostel, Hradec Kralove, Czech |
19/1/14 - My first road trip | Hradec Kralove - Prague, Czech |
26/1/14 - Let free of myself from books | Olomouc, Czech |
1/2/14 - Spent time at the mosque | Hradec Kralove, Czech |
16/2/14 - Gloomy day | Warsaw, Poland |
16/2/14 - Weekend escape before start of new semester. | Warsaw, Poland |
27/2/14 - Day trip | Pardubice, Czech |
27/2/14 - Reflection of sunset | Pardubice, Czech |
1/3/14 - I can't recall this T_T | Orlice river, Hradec Kralove, Czech |
10/3/14 - The park in front of Ad-Deen, I guess T_T | Zizkovy sady, Hradec Kralove, Czech |
14/3/14 - I was so distracted with the missing flight MH370. May Allah blessed all of them involved. | Hradec Kralove, Czech |
20/3/14 - Going for class in the hospital. The building up there is the emergency department. The red thing on top of it is heliport - used to land helicopter, taking critical patients from countryside. | Fakultni Nemocnice, Hradec Kralove, Czech |
20/3/14 - Going back home - Zizkovy sady; Hradec Kralove, Czech |
21/3/14 - Train ride to OSEM (medical) programme | Olomouc, Czech |
25/3/14 - Walking home | Hradec Kralove, Czech |
29/3/14 - Hiking trip to Narnia's famous acting site | Bohemian Switzerland, Czech |
30/3/14 - Another beautiful sunset from my window | Hradec Kralove, Czech |
More to go :)
I hope these pictures give you peace while facing one of the hardest time for our country; the flood :) Yes, of course the main element of peace is to turn back to Allah and remember Him always.
"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured." Ar-Ra'd 13;28
I can't be there at this critical time, but insyAllah my prayers will be continuously. Ameen. May Allah grant you with strength and patients. Important thing; redha and believe in His plans.
Till then,
v Khaulah