Alhamdulillah, I managed to send all postcards this morning!

I'm sorry it took a week since 19th January, but I received the last address on Friday, so need to wait for the next working day (which is today) to send them :) Alhamdulillah!
Přeji vám všechno nejlepší a abyste byl/a zdravý/á a št´astný/á
Mějte se!
It means;
Wish you all the best and be healthy and happy. Take care!
Fuhhh, I feel so relieved; like a heavy duty on my shoulders taken away. No more debt, insyAllah! :) Yeay. They were sent with priority label, so, hopefully all of them will arrive at the written address as soon as possible. I even received a receipt for posting them. :D My first time actually as I haven't get any receipt before. Haha.
Do inform me when you get them yea. ^_^
I hope by these postcards; they will be able to make your day even more brighter. :)
Smile :D
v CrossCafe V Kopecku,