
February 27, 2015

Assalamualaikum :)
Mencari-cari giveaway/segmen untuk disertai? 



Segmen ni bak kata Sis Siti, untuk war-warkan hijrahnya ke

Hehe, I know the feeling of having own domain. Saya dah guna hampir 4 tahun dah. Tak ingat dah sebab utama saya guna domain masa tu, dah la tak aktif mana pun. Cuma hmmm ada domain tu benda happy jugak lah haha. :D

Tarikh tamat - 15 / 3 / 2015 :)

Jom join!

Naluri Memelihara Diri Sendiri

Dua hari lepas, saya tergamam sekejap bila nampak headlines berita kat Czech pasal 9 orang mati ditembak di satu pub kat bahagian selatan Czech ni. Belum baca lagi masa tu, tapi dah nervous dah kalau kes ni pun akan dikaitkan dengan isu 'terrorist' jugak. Baru few days sebelum ni pun, isu random shooting kat Denmark kalau tak silap.

Untuk kes yang kat Czech ni, turns out seorang lelaki ni tembak 8 orang kat satu pub ni sebelum dia tembak diri sendiri. Dan bila baca kronologi peristiwa tu dan few follow-up news, baru tahu yang lelaki tu mentally unstable. T_T 

That man is a legal gun license holder, so, mungkin dia mentally unstable tu baru lagi kot?

Actually, hari yang sama tu baru belajar pasal ni dalam psychiatry.

Self-preservation instinct

Ni naluri yang PALING PERLU kena jaga bagi semua manusia.


Naluri yang kita rasa diri kita ni berharga, dan kita akan berusaha untuk buang / hindarkan apa-apa yang menyakitkan diri. Naluri yang bila kita dalam bahaya, kita akan cuba selamatkan diri.

Apa jadi bila hilangnya naluri ni? Rasanya semua orang pun tahu kan?
Cubaan membunuh diri.



Cikgu ada cakap, orang yang beragama - KURANG kes bunuh diri banding yang takde pegangan agama. Tapi, just kurang sahaja taw. Bukannya takde langsung.

I guess, this is one of the reason for it;-

Bila kita ada something untuk bergantung, (I mean bila kita ada Tuhan untuk share every emotions yang ada), kita ada rasa lega dan kurang tendency untuk fikir pasal cubaan bunuh diri ni. Bila kita betul-betul rasa Tuhan tu ada, kita akan selalu rasa dilindungi dan disayangi. Memang manusia akan diuji, tapi insyaAllah kita kena sama-sama pupuk keyakinan yang kita diuji untuk lebih mematangkan diri. Tuhan sayang, sebab tu Dia uji. ^_^

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu makan (gunakan) harta-harta kamu sesama kamu dengan jalan yang salah (tipu, judi dan sebagainya), kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang dilakukan secara suka sama suka di antara kamu, dan janganlah kamu berbunuh-bunuhan sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Mengasihani kamu.- An-Nisa' 4:29

Untuk kita semua, jaga naluri yang ni ye :)
Salam Jumaat.

v Khaulah,

First Giveaway Mawar Putih

February 25, 2015

Assalamualaikum semua :)

Teringin nak join giveaway dan selalu tak berkesempatan. Sementara ada masa free kejap, meh nak join satu. 

12 penanda buku dan 8 keychains menanti ada. Jom join jom, syarat pun senang je. Klik gambar untuk join naa. :) Klik S I N I pun boleh

v Khaulah,

Apa Ujian yang Seberat-berat Ujian?

February 23, 2015

Assalamualaikum semua, :)

Tengah break 30 minit sebelum sambung kuliah, terasa macam nak berkongsi sesuatu. 

Pernah tak rasa ada masa orang keliling kita penuh dengan ujian dan kita hidup senang tanpa perlu fikirkan apa-apa masalah biasa. Sebenarnya kesenangan, kelapangan yang kita rasa tu pun sebenarnya adalah ujian. Ujian untuk menguji kita bersyukur dan menghargai kelapangan masa, hati dan fikiran. 

Kalau kita duduk serumah dengan kawan-kawan, bolehlah saling mengingatkan kalau nampak kawan seperti bersenang lenang mengisi masa dengan perkara tak bermanfaat. Dan itu advantage jugak sebenarnya untuk maintain diri supaya selalu berusaha menjadi baik.

Tapi kalau takde orang keliling, insyAllah kita boleh sama-sama dekatkan diri dengan Allah sambil minta Allah guide life kita. Saya sendiri pun selalu je lah tergelincir buat benda-benda lagha ni, layan drama berjam-jam, main game tak ingat dunia. Paling obvious sekali, bandingkan sebelum kita exam dan selepas kita exam. Sebelum exam tu, renung balik macam mana kita jaga solat, fuh semuanya awal waktu, siap buat solat rawatib, puasa Isnin Khamis, qiam di malam hari dan macam macam lagi. Dan adakah ianya berubah sebaik sahaja kita selesai exam tu? 

Macam mana solat kita?
Macam mana hubungan kita dengan Allah?


Pernah sekali tu, tengok ralit layan movies, siap marathon hampir 5-6 movies. Tiba-tiba...

Tiba-tiba dapat phone call dari seorang kakak ni, saja bertanya khabar. Haha, jarang kot orang tanya khabar sampai nak bercall bagai guna kredit. Kakak tu saja nak share apa yang dia dapat masa baca Quran, dan zapppp ayat yang kakak tu baca memang menusuk di hati. 

Antaranya macam;

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mengapa kamu memperkatakan apa yang kamu tidak melakukannya! Amat besar kebenciannya di sisi Allah - kamu memperkatakan sesuatu yang kamu tidak melakukannya. - Quran 61:2-3


Nampak Allah nak menegur dengan gerakkan hati kakak tu untuk call. Padahal dia tak tahu pun apa yang saya tengah buat. SubhanAllah.

Jom sama-sama kita baiki diri untuk jadi sahabat yang baik untuk orang lain. Selalu dengar orang cakap yang kalau nak jadi baik, kena selalu berdamping dengan orang yang baik. Tapi, kita sendiri pun perlulah sama-sama usaha jadi baik, nanti kesian orang lain takde sahabat yang baik untuk dia berdamping :)

Peringatan untuk diri sendiri sebenarnya ni, insyAllah. 

Kelas dah nak mula dah, take care! :D

Fakultni Nemocnice 

Belajar dari Wanita yang Gemuruh

February 22, 2015

Assalamualaikum everyone. Alhamdulillah, I was doing good for the past few days and I am looking forward for this new subject for this semester.


Sebelum bercakap panjang, saya nak berkongsi dengan korang, insyAllah saya akan berblogging dalam Bahasa Melayu (with English). Ni pun lepas dah berfikir panjang yang serius. Hehe, entah apa yang serius pun tak tahulah. 

Jadinya, mudah-mudahan lebih senang nak mendekati semua pembaca yang ada, dengan harapan dapat berkongsi pengalaman dan cerita bermanfaat. 

Oh ya, berbalik pada tajuk, cadangnya nak berkongsi kisah yang dapat masa belajar Psychiatry. :)

Wanita yang gemuruh.
Ada seorang pesakit ni, dia datang ke hospital sebab rasa sesak nafas (gasping for air - bayangkan ikan hidup yang tak dapat air), jantung berdegup laju (tachycardia), sakit dada etc dan kalau tak silap, ada beberapa kali dia hampir pitam. Dia ingatkan dia ada something wrong dengan jantung dan doktor buat ECG (electrocardiogram - test untuk check aktiviti jantung kita). ECG untuk wanita ni dibuat untuk eliminate possibility of myocardial infarction, MI (keadaan di mana sel-sel jantung mati sebab tak dapat oksigen). Results of ECG shows that no MI. Tak ingat macam mana, tapi dia end up dihantar ke department psychiatry untuk further check up.

Kemudian, dapat come out dengan sebab dia ada symptoms tu semua.

Rupa-rupanya, wanita tu ada masalah kat tempat kerja, dan dia terlalu memikirkan masalah tu almost all time, Bila stress, body kita akan respon dengan hasilkan banyak stress hormones (eg; adrenaline) dan stress hormone ni lah yang buat symptoms tu -_-'

--> Anxiety disorder

I guess, the problem she had at the office must be big enough to trigger the constant stress. Ataupun, wanita tu tak pernah ada masalah dan satu masalah yang jadi buat dia tak dapat nak tampung stress tu.

Stress tu perkara normal dan kita yang kena kawal perasaan tu. T_T

Macam mana nak kurangkan stress?

1.Tenangkan diri & fikir positif

Banyak cara nak bermotivasi ni. Kita boleh baca Quran ataupun buku-buku motivasi. Kadang-kadang kita boleh baca kisah-kisah orang lain untuk rasa kita patut bersyukur dengan apa yang berlaku dalam hidup kita. Ujian hidup orang lain lagi berat dari apa yang kita diuji.

2. Berkongsi masalah dengan orang lain.

Stress yang kecil, bila disimpan lama-lama dia akan membukit dan boleh cenderung kepada depression (kemurungan). Dan, oleh sebab tu, cubalah buat apa-apa yang boleh buat kita lupa / buang perasaan stress tu. Berkongsilah dengan ahli keluarga, kawan-kawan ataupun kaunselor. Mungkin bila bercerita kat orang ni, kita akan rasa kita ni sangat bermasalah ataupun kita akan merisaukan orang lain. Tapi, percayalah, bila sampai tahap kemurungan, orang lagi akan risau.

3. Buat sesuatu yang menggembirakan kita.

Buatlah apa-apa pun, nak mendaki ke, nak bercucuk tanam ke, nak shopping ke. Bila happy, badan kita akan hasilkan hormon endorphin yang bantu atasi stress jugak. Pernah dengar kan yang orang makan coklat untuk kurangkan stress? Tapi fakta ni untuk dark chocolate je rasanya :)

Setakat ni, ni yang saya pernah apply dan alhamdulillah berkesan untuk kurangkan stress tu. Kalau korang, apa yang korang buat? Jom kongsi. ^_^

v Praze,

4 Reasons Why I Love Cycling

February 17, 2015

Most of my friends here already know bicycle (bike) is my main transportation in this town. 
Thinking back how I started cycling here... haha, I just remember, the first time I cycle in HK; I got involved in a bike accident! 

It was between me and another cyclist; in which I do not know until now, whose fault it was. :p It happened in front of the hospital, so, I just go straight to the emergency department. Nothing looks wrong physically and nothing wrong on X-Ray too. So, the doctor just diagnosed it as contusion (bruise; simply said, an area where blood capillaries ruptured - in Malay lebam kot?)

The bike's front tire damaged and the bike itself cannot be moved properly. And it was actually my senior's bike. T____T

Bringing the bike back home by bus. 

Pheww, what a start.

At the end of my first year, I bought a bicycle from my senior who's graduating soon. That's the beginning of my cycling adventure :)

After 1 1/2 year, I changed to another bike; Kelly. It was still second-hand. Brand new bicycles in Czech are very expensive! Seriously, like crazy. Yeah, I admit that they are from high quality brand; like Merida, Author etc. But, how can I afford to buy a bicycle for more than RM 1000? T_T


Ceska Skalice, Czech

Okay enough of introduction. 
Let me share my reasons why I love cycling? ^__^


Well, I know and realized that cycling to school / work is quite hard for us in Malaysia. The road itself is not bicycle-friendly; with less pavements to ride the bike and even to walk. 

I'm trying to apply it here, since I have that opportunity. The big decision I made was not to apply for 10 months bus card. It costs CZK 1 500 for September to June. So far, I managed to save money for this but still I need to recharge my card for emergency. 

I still remember one morning when it was raining heavily and I was cycling at that time. I have no other choice but to stop at one bus stop, and take the bus. I was taking my bike as well. Haha. Bicycle on bus / train is not that weird here :)

Another advantage in saving money is when I can't buy lots of things when doing my weekly shopping. Well, how can I hold plastic bags in both my hands while I need to cycle?

Perak, Malaysia


People said that cycling burnt more calories / fat than walking. Actually it depends. For example, going to school with distance of 2 kilometers; 5-7 minutes by bicycle OR 20 minutes walking. Of course in this case, walking win!

But, if we compared 20 minutes of walking and 20 minutes of cycling. Which one will win?

That's it. :)

I'm not saying I am very healthy, but, cycling to school help me not to fall asleep in the class. My weight is still not reducing much, but I am still happy to see my fat percentage drops and my muscle percentage increase. This is only IF the weighing scale is correct :p haha

Along Labe river 


For this point, I can say that I am more exposed to safety rules on roads. There are even traffic lights for cyclists too. And on certain roads, there are no special paths for cyclist, so, we need to share it with cars, taxis etc. I learnt to not forget to use hand signals. I learnt that I need to stop when I see people crossing the roads at zebra crossing. 

Sometimes, I have the chance to ride to school with my classmates - and we called ourselves the bike team. :) I am more familiar with cycling shops, when I sent my bike for any repairs. And I learnt how to pump the tires with Czech gas station's pump style hehe.

Vysoka Nad Labem, Czech


This is the best part of cycling here. :)

Surrounded with beautiful nature, fresh air. I managed to discover few nice places to spend the evening or weekend. I love riding along the river, greeted by the swans, the ducks and other cyclists. 

There were many time when I always try to return home from school / hospital via different routes. That was amazing. I have the chance to see different kinds of Czech neighborhood and enjoy the views.

And that's one of my way to relieve stress too <3

Around Malsovice, HK

I can't think of more reasons for now. :)

And, what about you? :D

v Khaulah,

Hiking Trip ; Ještěd, Liberec, Czech

February 16, 2015

I don't really have specific plan this time. As I was alone and actually, I don't know if I can survive hiking in winter, alone. I've been hiking to Sněžka and Špindlerův Mlýn but it was with other hikers. So, if anything happen, they are always willing to help. Since this was a last minute plan last morning, I can't ask others to join me. :p

Snowy forest.

What I did was I just get prepared and went to the train station which is just 5 minutes walk, then I saw the earliest train was going to Liberec. Ahaaa, That's nice. I suddenly remember few of my seniors been there few days ago and I have asked about the plans :D 

I bought a mineral water and a bar of chocolate, And yeah, off to Liberec!

The return ticket Hradec Kralove - Liberec (with IN25 InKarta) = CZK 278
The journey was 139km one way and took about 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours. 

I arrived at Liberec at 12pm and directly took a tram to Horní Hanychov, with a ride of about 12 minutes from Nádraží (train station) plus CZK 20 for the tickets (only accept coins). My advice is to buy 2 tickets so that you can save time and money for the return tram. I mean, you don't have to find the ticket machine or buy from the tram driver (this will cost more).

Ticket machine | Verified tickets

Just push button for základní jízdenka (basic ticket) and here in Czech most of city buses / tram use time for different tickets. For Liberec, there will be either 40 minutes or 75 minutes. So, you can just use the ticket within the time after it is verified by machine in the bus / tram. 

By the way, Liberec is at the north of Czech, quite close to the border of Czech-Germany and you can also see the signboards are also in German. For Czech people, Liberec is famous for Ještěd tower designed by Karel Hubáček, which where I was heading to yesterday :) This tower is basically a communication tower together with restaurants and hotel where people can stay there while enjoying the view or winter sports. 

Can you imagine how cold was it. T_T

I just knew that this place is packed the whole year as people come to nearby ski resorts in winter and in summer, this weather is ideal for trips :)

When I reached Horní Hanychov, this was the view of the area;-

This was during my way back :) 

Ski jumping statues
I was greeted by this statue. It was awkward actually to walk under it. Haha. 
Based on Wikipedia, I read that this place was once significant with World Championship 2009. 

From the tram stop, I can see immediately the signboards of nearby places; like ski school, ski resorts etc. My first plan, was to find route to get to Ještěd tower. So, I went to information center. I met with a friendly old man, who is working there for 11 years (!) and he speaks English too. I guess buy souvenirs here (if you would like to), they are cheaper than at the tower. 

It was already closed when I return there at 5.30pm. 

There are few ways to go up the mountain;-
1. By car
2. By cable car
3. Hiking (with 2 possible routes)

For the hiking trails, you can choose either short blue route (3.5km - to the north) or long blue + red route (9km - to the south and north again) and both routes will lead to the tower. Since, I haven't hike for a while, I just choose the short route. But it was challenging enough to climb the steep paths covered with ice with snow below it. 

But the views were mesmerizing. Now I know the feeling of winter wonderland! Here are few pictures. :) Most of the routes for the first 2km are crossing the forest and at least 2 roads.

Spruce tree, I think so ;)

A family sliding down the hills :) One tip if you want to walk beside dogs here, just ignore them. If you don't show you are scared, they will not get near you. But, this may need practices. 

Someone made this. 

The path is not covered with fresh snow. so, don't worry to get wet stepping on it. Just be careful not to fall down.

The moment I saw blue sky. :D

0.5 km to reach the tower. I was exhausted. 

Trees marked with few colors - to help hikers to know the route. :)

The last 0.5 km was a bit challenging as I was walking along the edge of the mountain. I can see the view down there, everything covered with snow, white, gloomy but still worth breathtaking. Inspire fresh, cold air will make you not to feel tired. 

I just knew the word hard rime; which is used to describe a white ice that forms when the water droplets in fog freeze to the outer surfaces of objects (source; Wikipedia)

SubhanAllah! :D
As I was walking-hiking higher, I reached another road. And this time, I can see the tower, covered with white sky. Walked up for few hundreds meters and I reached the entrance to the tower! :D Most of people who went there are Czech and only some maybe come from Germany as I can hear that language. 

I can't see the peak. But the tower looks like the one in picture on my left :)

The tower is free (I think), I didn't pay anything to enter it. Equipped with toilets and free WiFi too. I didn't have plan in mind to have lunch there. But, suddenly there was strong wind bringing all the ice throughout the air. It was painful to the face. I suddenly got scared of the strong wind and I don't think hiking down for another 3.5km would be a good choice. 

After sending a postcard, I chose to stay and eat. 

The restaurant. 

The restaurant up there was really calm and looked high quality. I waited for few minutes as all tables were full and I didn't want to sit in the bar (with lots of alcohol and cigarette smokes). After I got the place to sit, I looked at the menu, and to be honest, it was not that expensive as I thought! I mean, of course it is expensive compared to food prices in Malaysia, but here, a main dish that costs CZK 100-200 (RM 15-30) is normal. Even a kebab costs CZK 60. :p

Easy conversion ; RM 1 = CZK 6

I ordered Grilled Trout with gratin potatoes and brown butter; and I still make confirmation that there will be no alcohol in the food. And also ginger lemonade for the drink.  The total was CZK 250.

It was a BIG portion for 1 person. T_T I took nearly 1 1/2 hours to eat. But worth the price :)

There is hotel too at the tower, you can check TripAdvisor for more details.

It was nearly 5pm when I finished my food and made payment. After taking another few pictures, I just wait at the cable car; which run every 1/2 hour. The price is cheaper if you buy return tickets instead of 2 one-way tickets

Going down :)

The tower was covered by thick white clouds. Aha, this is the ski areal.

Cable car normal price;- One way = CZK 75 | Return = CZK 120
With InKarta, IN25;- One way = CZK 55 | Return = CZK 90

Actually the cable car is handled by České dráhy (ČD) or Czech Railways; which is the main railway operator in Czech. The cable car ride took only 4 minutes to go down to the ski areal. And I need to walk for another 700meters to get back to the tram stop and return to the train station, to catch the train to Hradec Kralove.

Horni means upper.


I was reading a book by Hilal Asyraf along the way there. A part of it that really touch my heart; about a chapter; Hati yang Kosong (Empty Heart?)

He said that, in our hearts, there is an empty space, and we try to find something to fill it as we don't want to get lonely with that emptiness. Some people will work hard to find wealth, some will find a partner, some will go hiking and some will go diving. Also, some may do something that will hurt others and there will also be some people fill it by giving happiness to others.

But, the empty spaces still not be filled. Why?

The book said that, the empty space is about our relation with Allah. It was empty as we maybe not doing things that obey His orders or we don't submit ourselves to Him. 


Refresh our intention. Do things for the sake of Allah. T_T

v Khaulah,

Muhammad Atan :)

February 14, 2015

Let me introduce you to...tadaaaaa, our lovely annoying cat.

Muhammad Atan.

Atan's official picture. ^_^

Few months old, maybe :)

A photo posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

Post-'suicidal' attempt - This was the 2nd time. Falling down from a 2nd floor flat twice was crazy. But alhamdulillah, he survived and well, he lost 2 out of 9 lives, perhaps? ;p

A photo posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

Box-lover. Sleep-lover. Di mana ada kotak, di situ ada Atan.

A photo posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

He was excited for his train ride. Hmm at this time, we were going somewhere, so, we need to leave him into someone's trusted hands to take care of him :)

A photo posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

Funny! He really loves to play or sit or sleep on the keyboard. Hmm, he wants attention and he doesn't like to be left alone. :p manja!

A video posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

Atan's first car ride, I guess. He can't sit calmly. :p

A video posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

His favourite sport; to catch flying hair rubber band. It was really exciting for him; like - he saw us holding the rubber band --> tunduk sikit, goyang-goyang bontot --> then we throw it, he will catch it even it was so high up.

A photo posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

His 1st birthday celebration :) And housewarming party too. Well, Atan can not eat all that.

A photo posted by Muhammad Atan (@atan_hk) on

Last but not least, Atan!

Atan is on Instagram if you want to follow his activities :) feel free to drop by and say hi. <3

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

February 12, 2015

Hi guys, assalamualaikum :)

I just did my final exam yesterday and now am having 'holidays' for 4 days before starting new semester! Wohoo, alhamdulillah, all went well and I'm looking forward to do my blogwalking! It's been a while, and I really appreciate all the comments and will try my best to visit your blogs :)

hari-hari bertapa, bertapa hari-hari

So, what to do with this 4 days?

I need to proceed with my [Roadtrip] Where East Meets West' posts. Hihi. I must finish it before the real feeling go away. 

But, first let me take a selfie share with you this beautiful, meaningful story. :)

Before that, I need to claim that the pictures and story are not mine. :) I took them from HERE and they are actually in slideshow. I tried to use embedded code but it turns out to be small for my blog. 

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

How is the story? :D

What do you feel? At first, I tried to put myself in the lady's shoes. Maybe I don't really get angry if someone beside me take my food, as sometimes I do offer food to strangers while waiting for public transportation. While, for that man, I was amazed as he keep calm till the end. 

Let's get back to the title of the post. 4 things we can't recover in life. What do you think? 
Okay, here we go. ^_^

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

At first, I don't get it; the relation between stone and the stories. But, soon I understand that throwing stone is actually what we do. The stone.... after the throw, is something we did and we can't take it back. Just imagine, you play pranks to someone who doesn't like pranks - and turn out he/she really hate it. And he/she can hate you too T_T

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

This is the most common thing that happen in our life. Saying something then you regret saying it. That's the reason I guess why people keep saying, "think twice before you said/act". Words can be good but at the same time can be painful to others. 

For example, school/college bully on someone who doesn't have pretty face or fat guy/girl. (I saw this on movies actually, haven't experienced in real life). Sometimes, the harsh words can cause them to attempt suicide! or if less than that, it will be a torture to his/her psychology. 

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

Ahaa, doing something on the RIGHT time, at the RIGHT place with the RIGHT surrounding - this is what we in life I guess? It can be anything; planning to do any ceremony, doing something for someone. 

What I can reflect from the story; is about the moment we did something wrong to someone, but we have no more chance to ask forgiveness. Huhu. Like people said, doing something bad to Allah, insyAllah we can repent but if to people, we need to find them and ask forgiveness. T_T

Forgive people every day. so, we don't need to carry the burden of hating anyone. :)

4 Things We Can't Recover in Life

This is very general and I can say we can apply to anything we do, even while reading this post, perhaps? Time is a valuable thing and obviously, we can't turn back to even 1 millisecond of our life. 

Cherish it and use it wisely. 


I think there are more things we can't recover in life; like - trust after its lost.

Do share some thoughts yea. :)

Do good to people as how we want people to do the same to us. - quote

May this post benefits us. Ameen.

v Khaulah

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