I would love to spend more time to share something in this blog; but I guess I need to take a break and focus more on my reading. Final exam on next Tuesday, wish me all the best! Remember me in your prayers, yea :)
But, since I had this post in my draft, let me share you these beautiful scenery. ^_^
4/7/14 - Going for iftar; it's already Maghrib while I went there T_T blame my time management. | Hradec Kralove, Czech |
16/7/14 - While becoming photographer for dearest sisters for their graduation day | Old Town Prague, Czech |
16/7/14 - Graduation day! Universitas Carolina means Charles University. | Prague, Czech |
21/7/14 - Flying home via Dubai with Emirates. Taken from my favourite seat! | Somewhere in the world |
21/7/14 - Get ready for iftar in the plane! :D The cabin crews were so nice to prepare us food and give announcement for Maghrib. | Somewhere in the world |
6/8/14 - View near my house :) | Perak, Malaysia |
6/8/14 - Nice clouds! Somewhere in new neighbourhood near my house | Perak, Malaysia |
16/8/14 - Morning, with the view of sea and paddy field | Gunung Jerai, Kedah, Malaysia |
23/8/14 - I love that light pole. Or are that speakers? :) | Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia |
23/8/14 - FRIM, I guess. | Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia |
23/8/14 - Cameron Valley Tea | Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia |
3/9/14 - Get back to school. Bye, Malaysia | Somewhere in the world |
17/9/14 - 2 days after my Pathology Anatomy final exam :) Boat ride along Labe river | Hradec Kralove, Czech |
18/9/14 - Somewhere in my neighbourhood. | Nerudova, Hradec Kralove, Czech |
27/9/14 - Place to stay away for hectic life in town. | Orlice river, Hradec Kralove, Czech |
28/9/14 - Hiking trip with Izzah | Adrspach, Czech |
29/9/14 - Crazy idea of cycling nearly 64km just to see this place. | Ceska Skalice, Czech |
Hihi, actually I was wondering if you find it difficult to read the contents of this blog as they are in English? Actually, I do have few reasons to make it an English-medium blog. I gave a deep thought about trying to make my blog like this. But.... hmm leave some ideas about this yea; like do you really prefer Malay / English contents. :)
Thank you for your opinions!
Have a great weekend guys! :)
And pray for my success in my exam. ^_^
v Khaulah