Well, I'm not really into gadgets actually. I usually read about gadgets only when I need to buy one.
Like...do some research and survey before buying. Saya tak kisah sangat nak beli benda terkini semua tu. Ada orang yang jenis setiap kali keluar phone baru, terus jual phone lama untuk beli yang the latest one kan?
This technology world is too fast developing for a normal people like me to catch up. :)
I love to watch trending videos lately on YouTube. Hehe. Terjumpalah video ni. :D
The interesting part of this kind of videos is the comments part!
I love the complexity of Samsung but I also love the simplicity of iPhone. :)
Kadang-kadang rasa best jugak tengok Samsung & Apple fanboys bergaduh kat ruang komen tu. Haha.
p/s - Dulu masa baru guna smartphone, punyalah tak faham apa ke benda nya Android ni. Pada saya masa tu Android = Samsung. Padahal banyak je phone jenis lain guna Android OS. Noob betul.