Personaliti dari Genggaman Tangan

April 15, 2016

I came across a simple quiz on 'How Do You Clench Your Fist?' on Bright Side website. Dah lama rasanya tak buat random personality test macam ni :)

The way you clench your fist reveals traits of your personality

I was a bit confused to answer as I did not really care or realized about my fist before. So I immediately clench my fist. 

It turned out to be the first one!

The result said that,

You are a true altruist.

Err. Rasa macam tak berjasa / pemurah mana pun. T__T
I am neither selfish nor unselfish, I guess. 

But, I can relate myself well to the further description.

You tend to help people even when it brings some inconvenience to you. You constantly strive for new knowledge and experiences. You’re extremely energetic and a little impatient. People like you are always called adventurers and daredevils, but at the same time, many won’t understand how often you feel nervous and how much you need help and protection sometimes. You desperately need recognition and acceptance because you often meet people who use your kindness. However, your strong inner core doesn’t let you become limp or even give up on people. You still continue to defend and protect those in need, except for the fact that you become a bit more cautious.

Haah, kadang-kadang bila tolong orang untuk sesuatu, saya selalu tak tahu nak letak limit. End up, terasa macam kerja tu kerja saya sendiri. T_T I love to help people, tapi baru-baru ni saya pernah rasa menyesal offer pertolongan kat seorang ni. I should reflect myself on this. Mungkin macam ayat ketiga tu, "a little impatient".  

"Many won't understand how often you feel nervous and how much you need help and protection sometimes." 

Rasa nak tergelak angguk angguk untuk description ni. People know me as a strong person who can survive anywhere I go. Hmmmmm. I agree to this point, but.....

Except for the fact that you become a bit more cautious. Ehemmmm.

And a bit more feeling-less. 


Tapi ada satu pepatah yang emak saya selalu guna. Pegang kuat.

Pegang kuat. :)

Klik sini kalau korang nak buat quiz ni jugak :D 

S.K. Neumanna, HK, Czech

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