These 4K Videos Will Make You Fall In Love With Czech Republic
October 31, 2016
Hi :D
Monday blues anyone? Haha. Czech just ended daylight saving time on Sunday, so the time went back 1 hour. Now, Malaysia is 7 hours earlier than Czech. I was staying up till 3 am last Sunday, with high hope to witness the time changed from 3 am to 2 am. I don't know what happened to me, but I missed it by 1 minute!
Bila tengok jam masa tu dah jadi 2.01am balik. Speechless. Rasa frust, memang terus tutup buku terus tidur.
Okayy, untuk hari ni, nak share YouTube channel junior saya. We are not close, haha we are in two different universities and different towns. But, seriously, please subscribe to his channel. I will never disappoint you with any channels that I shared in my blog, so far I think. :)
The best part is, most of the latest videos are 4K. I don't know much about this 4K as I used to be satisfied with any HD videos. But, honestly 4K is really something different. :D Watch these videos, you will understand what I am trying to say. :D
As I am a nature lover, I recommend these 3 videos.
Apa Yang Kita Akan Dapat Dari Istighfar?
October 28, 2016
Istighfar ni zikir yang kita selalu buat setiap hari kan? Rasanya semua orang pun tahu apa maksud 'Astaghfirullah' kann?
I've been reading surah Nuh yesterday. Ni surah ke 71, kalau dalam Quran boleh bukak page 570-571. Pendek je surah ni, banyak ceritakan kisah macam mana dakwah Nabi Nuh yang tak ramai orang nak terima dan macam mana Nabi Nuh minta Allah bagi balasan setimpal pada kaumnya.
InsyAllah tak nak pergi dalam pasal sebab turunnya ayat semua tu sebab tu jauh dari bidang saya. I read few descriptions tapi tak sesuai la kot nak share public macam ni sebab nanti salah tafsir, haru jadinya.
Tapi, bila kita baca Quran, haruslah kita ambil tahu maksud ayat-ayat yang kita baca dan reflect diri sendiri. Konsep ni namanya tadabbur.
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So much things given by Him. :) |
Few weeks ago, ada kawan berkongsi pasal the power of istighfar ni. Dan bila come across ayat 10-12 surah Nuh, memang teringat apa yang pernah kawan saya kongsikan tu.
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Dalam ayat 10, cuba bayangkan, katakan lah ayat tu tergantung je 'Mohonlah keampunan kepada Tuhanmu' pastu takde sambungan 'sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun'. Sedih tak bunyi dia? Like, kita beria-ia nak mintak seseorang maafkan kesalahan kita pastu orang tu tak respon apa-apa pun. Tak kisah la sama ada dia nak maafkan ataupun nak reply, 'you should try harder' ke kan.
Masa baca ayat ni, memang kepala flashback apa yang saya buat sepanjang minggu ni sekurang-kurangnya. Memang sekarang ni struggle sikit nak study. Bangun pagi buku, makan buku, baring buku, tidur pun mimpi buku. Tapi bila penat study dan nak take a break...what have I done? Rasanya benda yang tak bawak saya kepada Tuhan pun.
Sebab tu agaknya kita kena istighfar selalu kot, sebab memang lah manusia ni selalu buat silap.
Bila go through ayat 11 tu pulak.
Hmmm, honestly saya kurang minat sangat hujan kat Czech sebab sini dah sejuk, gloomy. Bila hujan ya Allah bertambah-tambah gloomy yang rasa nak selubung bawah duvet je. Study pun atas katil sampaikan 'pedometer' kat phone tu KOSONG - betapa tak bergeraknya saya.
Tapi bila kenangkan Malaysia, heaven kalau hujan. Ibarat menyejukkan hari yang panas. Dan macam yang kita semua tahu, hujan tu bawak rahmat kan? Dan berdoa masa hujan pun antara masa doa mustajab. Hujan ni satu bentuk rezeki Allah nak turunkan, menyejukkan bumi, bagi basah tanah yang kontang, pokok-pokok boleh hidup. Kalau kat sesetengah pedalaman, air hujan ni source utama stok air kampung tu. T_T
Dalam ayat 12 pulak, wah lagi banyak Allah nak hadiahkan pada kita dengan istighfar.
Ni macam keperluan semua orang kot. Tak kisah la harta berlebihan untuk kehendak, sebab harta pun diperlukan untuk hidup. Nak beli makanan perlukan duit, nak bergerak sana-sini pun perlu duit. Cliche lagi, money is not everything but everything needs money.
Mungkin sebagai orang belum berkahwin, saya tak rasa lebih part ni. Tapi bila kehilangan abanglong baru-baru ni, sebak sangat saya rasa bila mak ayah cakap yang diorang dah hilang satu saham kubur dan akhirat. T_T Kan doa anak-anak yang soleh ialah bekal untuk orang yang dah pergi kan? Untuk yang belum kahwin ni, ayuhlah usaha untuk kejar 2 bekal lagi - sedekah jariah & ilmu yang bermanfaat.
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Source - Google |
Kebun-kebun serta sungai-sungai untukmu.
Mungkin hati saya yang dah gelap sebab bila baca ayat ni, dah tak rasa getaran pun.
Mungkin dah selalu sangat dengar keindahan alam kat dunia ni ibarat berapa perpuluhan peratus je syurga sebenar kat akhirat.
Tapi bila baca ayat 'untukmu'. Terasa lain. Ibarat kebun tu kita punya, sungai tu kita punya. Berapa orang je dalam dunia ni yang ada sungai sendiri? I have no idea.
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Cuba bayangkan ni sungai kitaaaa. MashaAllah! |
Quran ni kadang-kadang macam buku cerita, banyak sangat pengajaran yang kita boleh ambil dari surah-surah yang Allah turunkan.
I'm learning to improve myself into a better person. Jom sekali? :)
p/s - selamat berhujung minggu, semua :D
HK, Czech
Which One is You?
October 26, 2016
I asked this question on Twitter and to few friends on Whatsapp. It is very interesting to me to know their answers and some even explain why they choose either one. :)
When you go shopping, which thought do you have when looking at the price for example RM 19.90? Do you 'see' it as RM 19 or RM 20?— Hanis Amanina (@HanisAmanina) October 24, 2016
Sorry la orang-orang kat Malaysia yang dapat mesej ni pukul 3 pagi. I sent it to random contacts. :D And thank you for replying.
For me, personally, I tend to round the number like how Maths used to teach me. RM 19.90 is closest to RM 20. I don't care about the 10 cent cheaper, it will always be RM 20. I never see it as RM 19.90 let alone RM 19. Haha
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This is one of the example. In Czech for example, there are no coins for cents. So, if you just buy a kilogram of this banana chips ALONE, you still need to pay 80kc. NOT 79.90kc. |
Surprisingly (to me at least, as I know some of you might know this already), there is actually a legit term called Psychological pricing that describe more about this idea.
Consumers tend to perceive “odd prices” as being significantly lower than they actually are, tending to round to the next lowest monetary unit. Thus, prices such as $1.99 are associated with spending $1 rather than $2. - Wikipedia
So, back to the question. Are you the one who go for RM 19 or RM20?
HK, Czech
1 Month Fitness Goals
October 25, 2016
Okay, a short post insyAllah before getting back to my workplace for more revision. :)
Being inspired by few friends' goals to care more on fitness, I decided to join the crowd. Some wish to be fit and sexy, some just wanna have good graduation photos, some wanna feel more beautiful inside. And for me, it is mainly to be healthy. I am the one who decide my lifestyle so I can manage it or change into whatever I want. But, not the genetic.
Some people said that, if you are born to a family with obesity or health diseases, the chance of getting it as well is higher. Yeah, that's true and I agree to that point.
But, do we really know how our genes look like? Nay, but only if you do the test (in which I don't think it is necessary without any special reason). So, not to regret later, it is NOW or NEVER.
I am going to change my lifestyle.
Haha, dah berapa tahun ulang wish yang sama ha?
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I've shared this on my Instagram account. Feel free to follow. Lol |
It was 5 degree last Saturday morning but my friend and I proceed with our plan to do some outdoor exercise. Basically some running, walking, jumping etc. I still need to protect my left hand, so NO workouts involving hands for now.
The bonus was that the views Allah bless Hradec Kralove with.
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Lovely :D |
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Train bridge. |
What are my goals?
- get rid of another 1kg
- 3-5km jog 2-3x/week
- 5000 steps per day
I am doing good so far, takut jugak kang yo-yo effect je jadinya.
So....Anyone wanna share their fitness goals?
HK, Czech
Check Your Emails
October 24, 2016
In this modern world, email is an important thing to have. Maybe not just an email, but emails. Without email, you can't sign in for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram yada yada.
For me, so far I have 3 emails;
1. Yahoo Mail
- this is the email I have been using since high school. Yahoo was a huge name back then. I don't think I know Google before. Since this is my first email, I mixed it up with everything - formal stuffs and social medias. Then, few years ago, I created another email and transferred my social medias to this new email.
2. Gmail
- yes, this is the new one. It is already old actually. I signed up for Gmail maybe when I was trying to sign up for It's more for social medias. However, I realized lately I tend to use it as a formal email as well. T___T Gmail is so easy to use than Yahoo Mail. I don't understand why I keep having problem to log in my Yahoo Mail. Hmphhh.
3. University Email
- Haha, this is seriously ONLY for school stuffs - like when the student office or any hospital departments would inform any announcement, news etc. Oh not to forget, the university's porter office uses this email to inform you the arrival of any parcels.
The reason I am writing this post is to share with you guys how not-checking-my-email ruined my days. Hahaha. Takde la ruin sangat tapi haih kacau jugak lah.
I was waiting for a parcel since a month ago. As I told you, usually the university's porter office will send emails to my university email address. But nay, takde punnn. The item is actually lamps for my bike. It is autumn now, please imagine the daylight would be only between 8am - 6pm. Before 8am and after 6pm, I must use lamps when cycling - both front lamp and back lamp.
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I used university address for parcels - easier to handle when involving customs. |
To let you know, from 2011, the university informed anything via BOTH university email and own email (in my case, my Yahoo Mail). But starting 2013, the student office said that it would be officially using the university email ALONE.
Just yesterday, I suddenly had a feeling to check my Yahoo Mail (after monthssss I think). And guess what, so many emails I have not read. T__T There are few formal emails, few warnings from the library. Sobss. I exceed the due date to return the books borrowed from the library. And my parcel (the bike lamps) already arrived like since early October. HAHA I felt breaking down to think how much I wasted on bus rides to school when 6.30 am was still dark. 14kc per ride multiply with minimum 10 days. Phewww.
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And not to forget that I need to pay fines for the books. 160kc. HAHAHA
The problem is now, why I don't get all those university-related emails via my university email address? I admit that it is my fault that I haven't check those emails sent to my OWN email. But, I was expecting them in my university email though.
I installed apps for Ymail now on my phone! Haha, frust rasa.
Okay, looking at the bright side.
Sekarang dah ada lampu basikal, I have no reasons tak nak stay back sambung revision kat library / hospital sampai malam. :p
Sekarang dah ada lampu basikal, I have no reasons tak nak stay back sambung revision kat library / hospital sampai malam. :p
O&G exam in a week. Doakan yep.
HK, Czech
Campus Walking Tour - University of Dundee
October 23, 2016
Ahaa, this is not the real campus tour though. Haziqah just showed me around, the area she spent her time studying. But, since her hostel is very close to the university, I bet she went back frequently haha. Memandai je kau, Nina.
Awww, scrolling pictures of Scotland is another way to procrastinate. I feel like being flew back there.
Before Haziqah told me she got an offer letter to pursue her Master here, I have no idea about Dundee. The only thing I know about Scotland is Edinburgh. Oh yea, the Scottish accent as well. Haha, I don't even know (or should I say I don't bother to know) that many scenes in Harry Potter were being shoot in Scotland. :p
So, let's walk around University of Dundee.
It's been a while, don't expect me to remember most details T_T I should have write my journey every single day while travelling.
This is a part of university. I thought the buildings were actually apartments, but nay. |
Tadaaaaa, one of the best feeling when Isaw this during my travel. I am a person who always search for city mosques in every destination that I will go. Prayer rooms included as well. |
Do you know that, by praying with other people from different background, you can reflect yourself 'how berlapang dada you are?'. Sometimes, the way they pray are kinda different than I pray. Like, some people just pray barefoot (without any socks or extra clothes to cover the feet), some Imam don't recite Bismillah in every al-Fatihah (they recite in their heart), some always recite Qunut Nazilah in the last rakaat.
These differences depend on the Mazhab as well.
We are a variety of people.
The place students hang out during breaks. I don't have this kind of area in my university though. |
The same area I told you just now. It is called the Union. |
A signboard there. |
And me, the tourist. Lol. Welcome to University of Dundee! |
Nah, short post.
How's your Sunday?
:p Hopefully no Monday blues tomorrow.
HK, Czech
8 Perkara Untuk Renungan Bersama Sebelum Ibu Bapa Pergi Selamanya
October 21, 2016
First of all, this is actually a Whatsapp message forwarded by my beloved cousin, Fa. We are very close to each other since baby, especially when we are both the only daughter in the family. Trust me, I have a lot of male cousins, maybe that's why I am not that feminine T__T
Oh yea, I edited the spelling and rephrased the points to suit my blog yea. And it will be in Malay. :)
Missing them. :) |
- Duduk dekat atau jauh dari mak / ayah, luangkan masa sebanyak mungkin dengan mereka. Call lah selalu. Sekurang-kurangnya tanya khabar mereka. Kalau yang mak ayah pandai guna smartphone, rajin-rajin la PM / ajak berborak kat dalam group.
- Mak / ayah nak atau berkenan barang-barang anda? Bagi! Biar kita beli lain pun takpe. Biasanya mak ayah kita kalau nak apa-apa, mereka tak akan cakap secara direct. Mereka akan berkias, contohnya macam "Selesanya pakai kasut kamu ni...". Haa.. Dia berkenan la maknanya tu.
- Bagilah duit belanja kat mak ayah walaupun RM50 sebulan. Berkat tau rezeki yang kita dapat bila kita berkongsi dgn mak ayah.
- Peluklah, ciumlah pipi mak ayah kita sementara mereka masih ada. Bila mereka dah takde satu hari nanti, mesti kita akan rindu peluk cium mereka.
- Bahagiakan mak ayah selalu. Buat mereka tersenyum dan senang hati. InsyAllah doa mereka untuk kita akan sentiasa mengiringi.
- Selalulah selfie / wefie dengan mak ayah kita. Rakamkan setiap detik terindah supaya ada gambar / video kenangan kita dengan mereka sebanyak-banyaknya. Bila mereka dah takde, gambar-gambar tu lah yang akan jadi pengubat rindu.
- Mak / ayah sakit? Inilah klimaks kasih sayang seorang anak terhadap ibu bapa. Ikhtiarlah untuk sembuhkan penyakit mereka dengan apa cara sekalipun selagi berlandaskan Islam. Cari ubat & cara rawatan terbaik. Masa kita kecik dulu, bintat bekas kana gigit nyamuk pun mak ayah kita kalut nak sapu ubat. Takkan kita sanggup nak tengok mak ayah tanggung sakit, kan? Kita tak tahu mungkin sakit itu akan jadi sebab untuk mereka tinggalkan kita. InsyaAllah kita tak akan rasa terkilan sekiranya hayat mak ayah kita tak panjang sebab kita dah berusaha yang terbaik untuk mereka.
- Selalu mintak maaf dan memaafkan mak ayah kita walau apa sekalipun yang mereka buat pada kita. Kita kena ingat, mereka juga manusia biasa. Kerana jasa mereka lah kita dapat tengok dunia dan jadi manusia berjaya.
Kepada yang masih ada mak ayah, amalkan tip-tip yang saya share ni. InsyAllah, anda tak akan menyesal kemudian hari.. :)
Adakala, masa mak ayah masih ada kita jadi alpa. Sehinggalah kita kehilangan salah seorang daripada mereka. Masa tu, kalau ada duit berjuta sekalipun, kita takkan mampu untuk mengundurkan masa.
I love this kind of forward messages on Whatsapp. They do not involve any hadith that I need to check before spreading it. And they are not "mesej berangkai" which say you will get pahala if you spread this, you will get sins if you don't.
May Allah bless us :)
Salam Jumaat, semua.
HK, Czech
[PHOTOS] Hiking Day Trip Plan to Orlické hory, Czech
October 20, 2016
I've been to Orlické hory maybe 2 times before for skiing, but... I think I am not into these winter sports. So, it has been a while since then.
Orlické hory means Eagle Mountain. It's quite famous for winter sports for Czech people around east side of Czech, other than Špindlerův Mlýn (more snow, more famous, more people and more expensive). ;p
Duta hiking Czech lantik sendiri. |
As usual, it was a day trip. The plan that I will share here is more suitable to follow if you start your journey from Hradec Králové. I was expecting autumn trees but not every trees have change colors. Few areas, yes.
Bus to Orlické hory. |
My friend and I took a bus to Orlické hory, unfortunately there was no direct bus at that time. So, we changed to another bus in Dobruška. Your journey really depends on the schedule. Please check the timetable in It can be bus-bus, train-bus as well.
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In our case, we took the bus from HK at 6.35am, to arrive in Orlicke hory at 8.19am |
A point not to be missed here is, we stopped at the final station - Deštné v Orlických horách, Zákoutí hot.Orlice as, it only shows Deštné v Orlických horách, Národní dům.
If you stop at Narodni dum, you need to walk for another 10-15 minutes to get to the starting point which is at Zakouti hot.Orlice.
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Hiking route that I used. |
The hiking trails are like these
- Walk about 3.5km along green trail from bus station Deštné v Orlických horách, Zákoutí hot.Orlice to Šerlišský Mlýn.
- Walk another 1.5km along blue trail to Šerlich (you can step into Poland here :D)
- Then, walk along red trail for 3.5km toVelká Deštná - rozc., srub - you can stop at a small hut here for a cup of hot chocolate.
- Continue to green trail for 2.5km to Luisino údolí. The first 0.5km, you will reach the highest peak of this area which is Velká Deštná (1115m)
- Last one, blue trail for 2km to return to the bus station.
Total walking-hiking is 13km, that time we took about 5 hours for the whole journey in Orlické hory (including stop for a while for a drink and picturesssss). I expected to finish by 3pm, as I always add at least 2hours extra to any hiking trip. But, unexpectedly we finished quite early. We managed to take bus to HK at 1+pm.
Okayyy, time for pictures!
I used on my phone to keep track my location. Offline map is very helpful, I don't have to use my data here. |
Cottage :D This is how Czech's house in countryside. :) |
Green trail. |
Blue trail, I think. |
Šerlich Masarykova Chata - there's a hotel /hostel I'm not sure but this area is located close to the border of Czech and Poland. |
CZ/PL wohoooo, hello again Poland. |
I cannot see you Poland. T____T |
In Poland, with background of Czech. :D |
Found this guy on the road. Lintah bulan? |
While having a cup of hot chocolate in a hut here. Hikers around Czech always bring a hiking diary where they can have stamps in it. The stamps look like this. |
Continue walking to the highest point. 1115m. |
Yeay! |
What else to say... hijau? |
Aaaaah, feel like I wanna build a small house here. |
More... |
And moreee green. |
Green everywhere. |
I always wanna try to take pictures of waterfall. Look at the flowing water... Huuuuu. ^_^ |
Hiking down was a bit challenging with these rocks on the trail. T_T |
Yeay, the end point is at the end of this road. Blue trail. |
Autumnnnnn :D |
Breathtaking. |
From our start & end point (Deštné v Orlických horách, Zákoutí hot.Orlice), we found out the next bus would be in one hour. So, we decided to cut off cost and not to waste time by walking to the next bus stop, Deštné v Orlických horách, Národní dům.
Luckily there was a direct bus to HK this time! Yeay, a good chance to take a nap. :D
An interesting building in front of the bus stop. Pelik. |
Okayyy, that's all. :D
Till next hiking trip.
HK, Czech
Good Morning, Rainy Dundee :)
October 19, 2016
Morning, Dundee :)
That morning, we didn't have any plan other than to have iftar with the other Malaysian students. It would be my first time to meet them, naah no worries, my principle is like this "your friends will be my friends and I will treat them as good as I treat you."
For iftar, Haziqah and I planned to prepare sushi and bread pudding.
So, off to Tesco, it was literally in front of Haziqah's hostel. :D This reminded me of my flat, I can see Tesco from my window as well.
Seabraes Bridge - to cross all railways. |
Basically, the arrangements in Tesco are similar in any countries. From the entrance, it would be the flowers and plants, stationeries yada yada. But, writing this post make me realised I was excited to be there, in Tesco. Haha. Maybe that was how my parents felt when they stepped into Tesco in Hradec Kralove last year.
Tesco je pun T___T
Kalau kat Malaysia banyak pokok-pokok kann, kat sini banyak bunga hidup macam ni. |
Kinda cheap. :p |
Satayyyyy. Haha, don't argue much about where satay actually originated. Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia dan Malaysia ni serumpun, okay. |
This was what really caught my attention. Fuh, I wish I have this in Czech! |
Self-service counter to pay your groceries. Scan your items, tap tap tap, scan some more items and just pay by card or cash. On your own. |
Done with grocery shopping.
Before going back to prepare the food, we walked along the river. Told ya it was raining slightly and you can see how gloomy the sky was. But, still it was nice to walk together while updating each other with stories.
There were lots of seagulls!
Model. |
See. Seagulls everywehere. |
School kids go to school. |
Rails. |
Not to forget, these containers building. :D My abangngah loves the ideas of containers a lot but I think I haven't show this to him though. T_T
Awesome kottt. |
The windows :D malam-malam pintu kontena boleh jadi grill. |
I will share the food in another posts. Haha
But, honestly I had so much fun in the kitchen with Haziqah. She is a talented baker and she loves K-pop much. Haha. I was once influenced into these K things so I know something to talk about. Not that into K-pop groups much as I prefer ballad songs. Surprisingly, we share the same favourite singers!
Kim Jong Kook. Yes, the muscle guy in Running Man. I was a huge fan of him, already told you before. I still remember how enthusiastic I was, to memorize his songs during A-Level exams period.
Next is Davichi. I just love their voices and songs :p
On the way to Haziqah's friends' house. That are the containers, with Tay River as background. |
Entah apa ntah statues ni :O |
We walked around University of Dundee, yeah it will be in another post as well. Haha. Nanti panjang sangat satu post ni.
Overgate - the mall. |
On our way, we dropped by at this mall - Overgate. And..... hahahah there's Primark over here! Ouch, if you have been to Primark, you will understand why people love this shop a lot. And I don't understand why Primark haven't reach Czech yet. It is all over Europe kan?
I was under control that day - just because I told myself I don't have any spaces in my backpack to buy many stuffs. Haha. I just bought few tote bags with the word Scotland on it - not for my own souvenirs but for my mum and aunts.
Now, thinking back about this....I have no idea what have I bought for myself.
Oh, postcards. Okay.
Caird Hall |
Caird Hall is actually a theater / auditorium something like that - where you can watch orchestra etc. I thought it is the town hall where the city mayor works in it.
These are some characters in comic magazine - The Dandy. The big guy is called Desperate Dan. No ideas about the contents of this comic. |
The monkey is actually trying to rearrange the alphabets. Guess what actually supposed to be written there? Comment your answer below. Haha. |
McManus Galleries is a museum / art gallery, not sure what's inside as it was closed when I get there. But, the building was lovely, with Gothic style :)
McManus Galleries. |
Positive energyyyyy. |
Haziqah and I :D |
Continue walking.
We passed by another education centers - High School of Dundee and Abertay University.
Abertay University. |
Arriving their house :D |
Apartments in Czech in slightly different than here. In Czech, the ground floor will always be the shops. But, in Dundee at least, houses can be on the ground floor as well. However, the arrangements inside the apartment are kinda the same. Once you step into the house, you will be in the common area (small one just enought to choose your coats & shoes), then you can see 2-3 rooms (one of them could be the living room) and a kitchen.
Small but I love this style as I think it is comfortable enough to live in.
HK, Czech
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