My January's Embarrassing Moments

January 31, 2017

Fuh, we are on the last day of January already? I just can't admit it will be February in few hours, tik tok tik tok. Pecuttttt, hati pun dah kecut. T_T

Still freezing.

This post is just for memories :) #finalyearsyndrome

I was in Cardiology department one fine day and was reading some patients' files. The doctor asked me to take a break first while he tried to finish his work on the daily reports. Suddenly, it snowed heavily. In every wards, there is a door to the balcony. I was so excited to take pictures from that position so I went out to the balcony.

One thing I totally forgot was, doors in Czech are mostly automatic locked from the outside.

Yes, I was trapped at the balcony, with snows falling on me while I was only in my white coat.

The staff who opened the door for me kept laughing. Hmmmmm T_T

And this was the picture taken from that balcony. ;p

There was another embarrassing moment in the computer room which is always quiet as we use this room to study and not for discussion.

I adjusted my earphones to both my ears and clicked 'play' on my Spotify. Suddenly the musics came out to be so loud. I tried to reduce the volume and realized people were staring at me.

Ya Allah, I thought I had already connected my earphone jack to the laptop!
Face palm.

DPH / VAT is similar to GST.
Yes, it is 15% (for groceries, transports, health care / medications),
the rest is 21% (like for electronics etc)

I took buses a lot nowadays since my bike's brake was not working well and I have not send it to the bike shop. It was not that easy to adapt with the buses' numbers and which routes they take. The last time I used buses regularly in my town was maybe 3 years ago. Even, I don't really walk near bus stops.

One night, I was walking out of a bus and started to walk towards my flat. My eyes were on the phone when I nearly got myself crash with the bus stop's glass wall.

Not to mention, how many times I took the wrong bus T_T

And this did not include yet how many times I remembered that I had renewed my bus card ONLY after I arrived home, by walking! Hahaha.

Fakultni Nemocnice = Faculty Hospital 

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. Too many things to think about that I already tried to calm myself and organised my priorities. It was a strong feeling of positive and negative, sometimes I feel butterflies everywhere. And then, sometimes thinking about the future can excite me so much nevertheless does not take my worries away. Haha.

Anyway, I had similar life cycle through out January - woke up in the morning, went to class, study, eat, pray, study, study, study, study, pray, pray, pray, video call, skype, sleep.

I miss negative ions! It is too cold now, but insyAllah I will cover as much as I can after this exam. 13th February. Doakan yea. Hihi, thank you sangat untuk yang sudi mendoakan.

A good friend of mine once told me that maybe we get things we want not because our own prayers, but others'.
Doakan sesama kita yea  :D

Till next post.
Good morning, Malaysia.
Good night, Czech.

HK, Czech 

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