Day Trip to Český Krumlov, Czech

September 14, 2017

After 5 years, I returned to this town - still lovely as it used to be, still packed with tourists especially Asians. I am telling, there are so many Asians (including us) in Český Krumlov. 

11th July 2017
Český Krumlov, Czech

This time, I went there by bus with my parents. A month before our trip, I've checked Student Agency bus for the tickets. There were approximately 30 empty seats left. Not really sure why I postponed buying it to last minute. Later, I find out all early morning trips from Prague to Cesky Krumlov were sold out! 

Student Agency is my favourite bus company in Czech, I was a bit blurred of other alternative of buses. After searching around, I managed to buy tickets from another company (M Express - 215kc/person/way) but unfortunately the journey was longer and even more expensive. It took almost 4 hours when it supposed to be only 3 hours by Student Agency (200kc/person/way). T_T

The weather was so good for ice-creams. :)

Since I've shared my trip to Cesky Krumlov before, I don't think I will share more details about this place in this blog post. You can check my previous posts:


Fridge Magnets in CK.

My parents at the Old Town, they love matching clothes like this. Haha.

A part of the castle. 

Restaurant with terrace. 

Starting with this town, I realized that I need to locate public toilets in all places that we will go. My parents need toilets more frequent - a sign they are getting older. T__T

A thing I am impressed with my parents are they are getting used to dry toilets and take wudu' in public toilets. :D I usually accompany my mum while my dad take care of our belongings, then we take turns. 

Our lunch - nasi impit, kuah kacang, serunding daging.

Another thing if we are travelling to a place without prayer rooms, always prepare qiblah compass, okay? It does not matter if we use physical compass or any apps, as long as we put priority to our prayers even though we are 'musafir'. My parents are getting used to pray in public as well, alhamdulillah!

That yellow bag - our food bag. It became one of the best bag ever!

Castle - An example to show my parents how to snap millennial's style of pictures. HEHE. I mean, how straight all lines should be etc. 

I already miss this orange roofs T____T

Castle's Garden - My favourite picture!

Heheee, just for fun :D Ni lubang air. 

Towards more travelogues :D 
Tolonglah rajin menaip, Nina T__T

SS, Perak, Malaysia

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