MARA - End of Repayment
June 30, 2020
Just before I finished my housemanship last March, I managed to settle my study loan with MARA. :)
I have been living as 'anak MARA' since my secondary school as I entered MRSM till I completed my Form 5. Then, I applied for MARA convertible loan to further my studies for A-Level and Undergraduate in Czech.
Thank you MARA for giving me opportunity to study abroad while exploring the diversity of mankind.
Thank you MARA for the first opportunity of European-bound flight. It was from KLIA-Frankfurt to be exact.
Thank you MARA for monthly allowance to help me survive.
Thank you MARA :)
When I was a student in Czech with the others, we have two bank accounts - one in Euro currency (as our allowance was given in Euro) and another one in Czech Koruna (for debit card etc). Every time we received the allowance, we need to go to the counter to withdraw the money in Euro and there would be some fee applied for every transaction.
What I did was, after I calculated every single details of my monthly expenses and decided to withdraw a lump sum of 3 months expenses. What I mean is, I do not have to do frequent withdrawal (hence I saved some money from paying the fee).
It was scary to hold a large amount of bank notes. So, after paying the apartment rent to my landlord in cash (she preferred that way, her unit was downstairs anyway haha), I immediately put the money into my Czech Koruna account. Then, all transactions to buy anything like groceries or cafe hoping (to study yea) or train rides were done by waving the debit card.
I honestly learned and appreciated the existence of debit card when I was in Czech. :)
MARA actually gave two choices on the method to pay - it could be either lump sum (with some discount) or pay monthly. I chose the second option just because the money I saved from Czech were needed for other stuffs (especially to settle down back in Malaysia after returning for good). It involved a lot of travelling to and fro- Kuala Lumpur for lotssss of stuffs plus I went for some medical courses while preparing for housemanship.
Anyway, payment is settled!
Thank you Allah for all of these experiences :)
Karma by Muharikah | Book Review
June 11, 2020
Karma is the sequel of Stigma, written by the same author. This book was
bought during previous BBW, and I somehow know that there will be another
sequel (the last one) for this series, I decided to postpone reading it till
Dilema comes out :)
I can't imagine of waiting for Dilema after dealing with Karma.
Title: Stigma
Author: Muharikah
Pages: 419
Publisher: Iman Publication
Publication Date: March 2019
While Stigma introduced the main characters, Karma is more focus on the
relationships between Dr Iman & Dr Faris who got married together and how
they managed their relationship with their hidden history. Dr Iman as we all
know, is the boss in the ward that Dr Faris works in so it is undeniable that
Dr Iman has the dominant side of her as a leader. While Dr Faris is still
fighting with his struggle, unfortunately both of them were surprised with
sudden bad news - Dr Faris has a lymphoma! And turned out he is HIV positive
too. Dealing with both situations, we can see how both of them trying their
best to save the marriage, though I feel mixed feeling with the ending. T_T
Based on online dictionary,
"Karma - (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences." -
I love the quote :)
1. "Let the husband lead the family."
I am attracted to this part, maybe because I am still new in this relationship
thingy, to be exact... approaching 10 months of marriage. Alhamdulillah. :)
I got the feeling when Faris' position is below Iman at the hospital, but
Faris is still Iman's husband to be respected. Point noted.
Well, if you guys have been reading the blog for a quite some time, I guess
you can see how independent I can be... especially with those solo travels.
Yeah, I can be dominant too. But, I think through out times, I prefer being
the follower. :D No matter how I am able to do something at home, I will try
my best to include my husband in the decision making so that nobody feels left
out. InsyAllah!
2. "Medical service is about human act and human touch."
This is also another reminder to me as a health care worker :)
I have love-hate feeling when attending patient as I can't help to feel
annoyed every time I met some kind of cases / patients like:
- accidents involving patients under 18, especially if they are not wearing helmet and do not even have license!
- accidents involving drunkens!
- patients who came in a worsened condition just because they ARE NOT COMPLIANT TO MEDICATIONS!
- patients who came at 3 o'clock in the morning for something they already have for months and years and they don't even bother to get it checked before.
- yada yada. Hahaha.
Banyak betul complaints. But, insyAllah for other cases, I am trying my best
to give the best with the best attitude :)
3. "Tidak ada karma dalam Islam."
"Yang ada adalah ketentuan dan takdir Allah yang telah diatur buat kepentingan
manusia itu sendiri. Setiap perkara yang Allah takdirkan, sudah pasti ada
kebaikannya, walaupun kita membencinya."
In this novel, Iman feels like she has done too much sins that Allah is
punishing her with lots of challenges. And I think this is the answer to the
challenges :)
4. Miracles
"Allah itu Maha Baik, kan kak? Setiap yang pergi, sudah pasti ada
Faris passed away. He did not the survive despite completing the chemotherapy
etc as the cancer has spread to the whole body. To be honest, this is such a
sad new especially after the patient has consistently compliant to all
appointments and medications - seems that the limit of our knowledge and
ability given by Allah.
But, to know a good news after the sad one... is so refreshing :)
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Iman is pregnant! |
SM, Perak, Malaysia
Stigma by Muharikah | Book Review
June 10, 2020
I bought Stigma during a book fair if I am not mistaken and finished reading
it at that time. Just because I recently bought the sequels of the novel which
are Karma and Dilema, I decided to reread Stigma so that I don't have to get
confused with the characters. :)
Okay, what can I say about Stigma?
Title: Stigma
Author: Muharikah
Pages: 351
Publisher: Iman Publication
Publication Date: April 2018
Maybe we can start with a rough synopsis?
The novel portrays a life story with a medical background; Dr Iman Syahirah is
the main character in the story, a medical specialist (a.k.a general
physician) in an infectious disease ward, Dr Faris, a medical officer who work
together in the same ward. They are in charge of patients with HIV / AIDS and
the story plays around this topic.
Here come Dr Aleph, a cardiologist who ended up as Dr Iman's best
One thing that makes me excited (yet scared) - all of them have the same
internal challenge - attracted to same gender but struggling to live a normal,
blessed life.
Yeah, it is scary because it is uncommon for me to see people in medical
fields who are LGBTQ and to be honest I am not sure how to react if I meet
any. T_T There are some people that I know, but we are not that close... so
that's it.
I don't want to comment much on the story line as it really depends on the
preference of readers. Some may say the story presentation is a bit dull as it
contains quite a lot of medical stuffs, but I don't have much problem with it
as I have that background too. Yet, the author already explained every terms
she used.
And maybe I am still a newbie with Malay novels, I find the book to be okay :)
So, as usual, what I love about doing book reviews is more towards what I have
learned from the book hihi... let's go! :)
1. "Cuma Iman takut. Dalam dia menarik orang lain keluar dari kegelapan, mana tahu dia pula yang tenggelam di dalamnya."
This is when Iman shared with her best friend, Zarith after Iman met Aleph in
a conference I think. Aleph is actually a lady whose appearance is like a guy,
a gentleman. At that time, Aleph was actually attracted to Iman and trying to
hit on her.... hehe okay kat sini rasa semacam kejap.
But what I like about both of them, they finally know about each others' past
and struggles to change, even trying to support the process.
About the verses, to be honest, I don't much experience dealing with LGBTQ,
but the verses sound so good, reminds me on how people afraid to get involved
with people having bad issues because they are afraid if in case they got
influenced to do the same.
Here, I am surprised to read that Faris furthered his studies in Jordan, while
Iman in Egypt. Although they were in Islamic countries, they were still
exposed to LGBTQ too. Maknanya, study negara Barat akan terdedah dengan budaya
ni, rupanya di negara Arab sekalipun. Ahaa...
2. "The struggle is real."
This verse is quoted quite a lot through out the book.
When Iman trying to counsel her patients about changing the lifestyle, I
realised people who are LGBTQ somehow know their preferences are wrong but at
the same time, they also feel there's nothing can be done because they are
born that way.
"Tapi, saya tak rasa saya ada pilihan pun, doktor! Dari kecil lagi saya
suka kat lelaki. Saya dah cuba untuk suka perempuan! Saya memang tak
boleh! Saya rasa geli!" - Johan
"Percayalah Johan. Kita semua ada pilihan. Cuma kita selalu biarkan nafsu
dan perasaan buat pilihan untuk kita. I know, the struggle is real. Tapi
yakinlah, jika awak benar-benar mahu berubah, Allah akan bantu awak." -
From this conversation, I can imagine what if the advice given by Iman was
actually given by someone else who is straight? The LGBTQ may even say that...
"kau tak faham pun perasaan ni", in another word, we are saying out of
empathy. Only if the patient know that the doctor herself was in the same
Anyway, yeah. Memang challenging untuk ubah nafsu. The feeling is real. The
love. The preferences.
"Bukan hak kita untuk judge orang, Faris. Setiap orang tu pasti ada
pengalaman silam dia. Ada trigger yang menjadikan mereka begitu. Ada
seorang pesakit ni jadi gay sebab kena liwat dengan abang-abang senior
sekolah asrama. Bila you dengar cerita mereka, you will understand and
appreciate their struggles. Dari situ, awak boleh bantu mereka untuk
berubah dan kembali kepada Allah." - Iman.
This makes me reflects a lot about my impression every time I met patients
with known case of hepatitis, retroviral disease (RVD) etc. Some may even got
the disease from husband / wife or even blood transfusion (though it is rare).
We usually call them as 'biohazard patient', more towards our preparation to
protect ourselves with PPE.
Maksudnya, bila nak ambik darah, kena pakai double gloves - walaupun kalau nak
ditakdirkan tercucuk, tercucuk jugak. Getah lawan jarum, siapa menang? T_T
3. "Hati kita ni, Allah yang punya. Serahkan hati kita kepada Allah."
"Dah lama saya tak dengar orang nasihatkan saya macam ni doktor. Dah lama
juga saya tak jaga solat saya. Asyik tinggal saja." - Johan
" Jangan putus asa, Johan. Allah ada. Awak jaga solat, Allah akan jaga
awak. Awak berdoa dan minta tolong pada Dia, Dia pasti akan bantu awak.
Awak hanya perlu bersungguh-sungguh. Ingat ya, Johan? Hati kita ni, Allah
yang punya. Serahkan hati kita kepada Allah." - Iman
This conversation also reminds me how important of our prayers. I can relate
with my work too. Memang tiap-tiap kali nak pergi kerja, doa banyak-banyak
semoga Allah bantu. Alhamdulillah, even though I feel a bit sad because I
don't have much opportunities to work with female senior doctors, I feel
blessed that most of the male seniors that I've been working with are VERY
HELPFUL. I believe Allah is helping me through them - their knowledge and
4. Umat Islam memang memerlukan ramai doktor pakar.
This hits me a lot. Huhuhu. Maybe because I am still contemplating of
furthering studies or simply stay in this position till Allah knows when.
"Dulu, profesor saya pernah nasihatkan, dia cakap: pertama, tak ramai
orang Muslim yang berjaya sempai ke peringkat tertinggi dalam perubatan.
Kedua, bila kita nak treat pesakit kita, rasa lebih nikmat apabila kita
tahu cara terbaik untuk merawat. Bayangkan jika kita tak ada ilmu
perubatan, sedangkan mereka perlukan pertolongan. Bagaimana kita nak
bantu?" - Iman
"Terakhir sekali dia kata, apabila dah jadi specialist, physically kita
akan lebih banyak masa untuk luangkan dengan family kita. Cuma yang
diperlukan adalah otak kita. Gaji pun bertambah, ada waktu hanyak perlu on
call dari rumah sahaja." - Iman
Tapi nak sambung belajar balik tu... mashaAllah perasaan dia, serba salah
betul. A lot of things need to be considered - money, place, family the most
important. Based on my seniors sharing, ramai je yang bergolak rumahtangga
bila ada yang sambung belajar. All need patience and understanding, right?
5. Dosa
"Dosa ini, pada awalnya memang kita rasa berat. Rasa gelap. Kita rasa
sesal dan gelisah. Tapi, bila kita dah selalu buat, hati kita akan jadi
gelap dari hari ke hari, sehingga kita tidak lagi merasai bahawa dosa itu
satu dosa." - Ustazah Norhafizah
"Hati kita sudah desensitize dengan maksiat. Apa yang berlaku bila kita
dah tak sensitif? Dosa tu jadi perkara biasa. Kita tak sedar dosa tu satu
kesalahan. Apabla ada orang tegur, kita melenting. Apabila solat, kita dah
tak rasa manis beribadah. Apabila baca Quran, kita susah nak menangis." -
Ustazah Norhafizah
So true.
Generally, the content is actually heavy but I glad that Muharikah managed to
tackle it and produce the product with a light read :) There are too many
things we can learned from this novel, insyAllah.
Good job, Muharikah :)
I can't wait to share my reviews on the sequels too :D
SM, Perak, Malaysia
Houseman Bingo (Part 2)
June 9, 2020
Let's continue with the next part. :)
This bingo is actually for my own memories, housemanship has its ups and downs, so, I treasure all experiences I had encountered when I was a houseman :) Maybe this post can be helpful for any new house officers trying to read around about housemanship - though there are lots of other people posting everywhere, hehe :)

10. Activate blue or / and red alert.
In the hospital I had practised as a houseman, blue alert means there are some emergencies going on in the hospital involving outpatients, family members or visitors.
Recently, there was a patient brought in to our ED after blue code activated. She was at the outpatient department, to be specific during the process on blood taking for her appointment date when suddenly develop fitting episode. With a known case of epilepsy, she was finally admitted for further management.
Others can be as family member who is taking care of patient in ward suddenly found unconscious. It is not that the ward cannot do anything to him... of course they will especially for basic life support. But the emergency team will be called to attend the patient and bring him to the ED for stabilization :)
While red alert can be found mostly in O&G department, involving pregnant women - eclampsia (sawan), post partum hemorrhage (pendarahan banyak lepas bersalin), should dystocia (bahu tersangkut masa bersalin), cord prolapse (umbilical cord di pintu rahim masa nak bersalin) - all of these cases are emergencies!
11. Send patient for xray by self.
This happened when I was in Orthopaedics. We were planning to get check x ray (means x ray that is done after operation) to see in formality if the operation is successful or not. The patient was put on some case (I can't recall the name) but it was a bit complicated to set it up. The radiographer need to remove the cast/sling first before shooting the x ray, but requested for Ortho team to be there to reset it back after the x ray.
12. Explanation letter.
Need to do this when in Ortho as well for some reason - actually I forgot details of this patient.
13. Send specimens to lab by self.
It is a normal routine for housemen, despite we have PPK (pembantu perawatan kesihatan) but they could be doing other stuffs too, like sending patient for xray / to OT, taking food trays from kitchen etc. So, in daily life, sending specimens is our task too - especially in emergency cases in ward, like resuscitating patient.
14. Sleepless oncalls
To be honest, I don't fancy oncalls / night shifts. -_-' maybe that is one of the reasons I prefer myself to float in ED (other than I still can't decide which departments to go as I love all of them huhu). ED practices shift systems.
Oncall usually means, working for at least 24hours plus plus plus, for example going to work at 7am today and punched out at 1pm the next day. For some hospital, it can be up to 5pm the next day. I had no experiences with that shifts, as my previous oncall shift was different.
In O&G - 7am-5pm, go home to come back at 10pm and finish oncall at 1pm the next day - though we can be stucked in the ward / labor room between that 5pm-10pm.
In medical - 7am-12pm, break till 4pm, then continue working till 1pm the next day. The 4 hours break were totally UNPRACTICAL haha as the morning round will finish around 11am plus, and for sure it will be really hard to get all task lists done within 1 hour. Haha.... kalau bertangguh, tahan la telinga kena marah dengan family members sbb tak siapkan lagi surat-surat discharge semua. T_T
15. Meconium bath in LR
Meconium = najis pertama baby. Despite wearing plastic apron, our clothes / shoes can be soaked with the patients' meconium while we are helping the delivery. Meconium can be light / moderate / thick.
Stain in meconium means the baby already pooed inside the womb. This can be a problem later if the baby aspirate the meconium as it can pass through the lungs and cause the baby to have difficulty in breathing upon delivery. This is not a simple case - it can even lead to death!

16. Feed and took selfie with newborn in ward.
I really enjoy the feeding session in NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), you can see how eager some babies react to milk (be in expressed breast milk or formula milk). Usually if the babies need intensive care and monitoring, they will be admitted to NICU where they don't stay with mothers. So, the time for direct breast feeding will be limited and all mothers will be consented for formula milk.
Different situation in post-natal ward or special care nursery (SCN), where the babies can be still under pediatrics team's observation but they are stable enough to be left with mothers. :)
17. Belanja misi food.
Usually after end of posting :) Haha.
18. Mortality summary.
Haaaa, I don't like this one. First, it means our patient had passed away. Next, they need good documentation especially in cases that family members would like to have a formal medical report to claim with insurance company etc.
Wow, suddenly I missed my housemanship. Haha, but like others, of course I don't want to repeat the phase again. Housemen leave home before sunrise, return long after sunset. Almost daily hehe.
Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for helping and guiding me through out the housemanship - with providing me good people around and experiences. :)
SM, Perak, Malaysia
Found this in my phone gallery. Before I delete pictures like these, I feel excited to share it on the blog first. I have 9999+ images more to delete, seems like I have deleted nothing. Hahaha.
1. No off for 2 weeks.
Yeah, it is possible for some department when you can accumulate two off days consecutively :) As a houseman, you are entitled to get one off day per week.
In my case, it was during surgical posting. We have this 2 weeks rotation for clinic which cover office hours (Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm). So, you can either have your off day on Saturday or Sunday for each week. Otherwise, you can request to the team leader to allow you to work the whole 2 weeks and claim your 2 days off later.
Housemanship has flexible schedule though. It was hard to plan for holidays, sometimes.
2. Ate hospital food.
We called this - hospital diet. Trust me, almost 99% of the food are delicious! Usually the kitchen will serve different meals for staffs and patients. Even for patients, there are different food too - depends on each requirement, some may have high potassium diet, low potassium diet, low sugar diet, not to forget... we really care about patients' allergies too :)
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Tomyam ayam |
3. Felt like quiting.
Hehe, I felt this way every time I failed to give my best, or unable to save patients, or unable to recall knowledge that I've learned.
Medicine is a continuous learning, every day is a learning process and we encounters lots of new things every second.
Feeling like quiting is normal, just don't quit before you have really tried your best or have a strong back up plan. Find something to look for everyday. :)
4. Did a vacuum dressing.
There are different types of dressing to the wound. Dressing means technique to cover the wound - some simply with normal saline, some with special liquid, some with iodine. For vacuum dressing, we are basically put some negative pressure / put some suction to the wound, with the aim to remove all exudates (layman terms = air bisa?) and encourage growth of new healthy tissue :)
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Something like this - source |
5. Failed blood taking x5 on same patient.
It is actually common for patient with difficult blood taking which usually we ended up with taking blood from the artery. I encountered this when I was in medical department, especially when I was doing my solo HO night shift. It was hard to ask for help as others are busy too with their medical wards. T_T
6. Play with newborn in ward.
I enjoyed this especially in O&G department, hehe I called newborns as cookies fresh from oven. :) Their smell is soooo nice, especially after we cleaned them up. After a baby is born, the doctor will need to do basic baby check, to make sure the baby is generally healthy. If the mother has some pregnancy problem, like gestational diabetes mellitus, history of infection, big baby - we eventually will call the paeds team to do the check instead. :)
7. Kena 'buli' senior or MO.
Hmmm, sometimes I don't realised this, until another colleague mentioned to me something like, "Eh, kenapa kau pulak buat benda ni, bukan patutnya XX punya task ke?" Haha.
Bullied by MO, hmmm, not sure.
8. Get to know a supportive MO
There are lots of them to be honest. Get to know them and you will have more opportunity to learn more. :) Every department, I have my favourite MOs whom I found easier to discuss and plan for management as they will ask me back about the reasons behind those management. :)
"Kenapa aku buat macam ni untuk patient ni."
If my answer is "not sure, nanti saya baca part ni." And he/she will give due date to present back to him/her with the answer. Sometimes, even after studying that specific topic, my answer can be wrong. But I love how they were still being patient and explain the reasons.
These kinds of people, may Allah bless.
9. Punch out 4 hours after work.
HAHA.... many times during medical department, especially during postnight shift. You are allowed to go home after 1pm (during that shift system), but, what to do if the morning rounds sometime finished around 11am, and you have lots of task to complete before leaving the ward. Usually what made me stuck there was when I failed to complete my tasks especially the one involving office hours - like sending / receiving fax to / from another tertiary hospital about patients' previous records, requesting urgent radiology appointment, calling another office / klinik kesihatan - where the lunch break usually from 1pm - 2pm plus.
While I still have other pending stuffs to do like settling patients' discharge notes, assisting MO with procedures, urgent blood taking etc. Hahaha.
Enough with 9 for this post, gonna share the rest in the next one :)
SM, Perak, Malaysia
The Art of Letting God by Mizi Wahid | Book Review
June 6, 2020
I have my eyes on this book for months but keep on postponing because of the
price -_-'. I know RM50 is not that much for a book, to be exact a hard
covered book. But as I have spent hundredssss of ringgit during the previous
Big Bad Wolf, I need to calm myself from buying new books until I read at
least a quarter of books I bought from BBW hehe.
So, here I am!
I managed to grab it at a discounted price during Pesta Buku Iman and I can
say I love it so much! The book arrived just before Ramadhan, so I have spent
the whole Ramadhan reading it, slowly. I even brought it to the hospital and
shared things I read with my colleagues, then we ended up sharing our own
experiences. It was lovely, alhamdulillah.
Title: The Art of Letting God
Author: Mizi Wahid
Pages: 147
Publisher: Iman Publications
Publication Date: March 2019
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Back cover of The Art of Letting God. |
Anyway, while writing this, I realised I don't have much book reviews on
non-fiction (?) Actually I've been known by my family as a person who lacks
fiction imagination haha, so I tried my best to read lots of fiction books to
improve it.
Allow me to share snippets or beautiful verses from this book :)
1. The greatest temptation many of us find most challenging to deal with in life - is the temptation to give up.
This is very true, we have the temptation to quit whatever we are doing, for
various reasons - financial problem, family problem, lost of focus, emotional
attacks etc. But, the moment we managed to overcome this temptation, that's
the beauty of success. It actually can be seen as one point in life, but to be
honest, life is continuous journey so to overcome it needs life long courage
and support.
In this book, the author described more about Prophet Moses (p.b.u.h) who was
not only asking Allah for ease in affairs but strength, wisdom, patience,
ability and support :)
2. Tawakkul is the word used to imply one's act of reliance on God or "trusting in His plan". It is also seen as "perfect trust in God, and complete reliance on Him alone.
Reading this verse, reminds me on previous conversation with a friend of mine
who is an atheist. Medical school was a hard time. To get through each tests
and years, I learned a lot about tawakkal and really, success is not only
about studying smart but the idea of having Allah to rely on after our hard
"Tie your camel first and then put your trust in Allah."
She mentioned to me how stressful she was and asked how do Malaysians can
remain calm. Haha. Only if she could see hurricanes in our hearts :D
"Maybe because most of us are Muslims? We usually leave it to God after we
tried our best during the process of revising."
"Oh, I don't believe in God, but I believe my success will be from my hard
work, that's why I need to study more."
In my heart... no wonder. Penat sebenarnya bila kita terlalu bergantung pada
kemampuan sendiri sebab manusia memang bukan perfect, akan ada kesilapan dan
3. Believe that nothing just happens. Instead, everything happens for a good reason. And everything happens for you, not against you.
Most of times, we tend to argue about others rizq and complained why such
opportunities do not come to us. And we tend not to realised how much other
rizq have Allah blessed us with. Some may have a good occupation and income,
but he may not have children yet. Some may be blessed with children but having
difficulties in work.
The author also mentioned about the tools and ingredients to success that we
may already have but we don't realised it - so, we ended up to keep wondering
about our unanswered prayers.
"If all of you were to truly have faith in Allah s.w.t. He will
certainly provide you with sustenance, just as He would give to a little
bird, for when it leaves its nest in the morning with an empty stomach,
but returns home in the evening full."
4. Friends, reject the cup of poison. Instead, drink from the fountain of faith, the reservoir of resilience, and the sea of spiritual confidence.
In the book, this part was described as we are exposed to lots of "poison"
which would murder our thoughts and destroy our peace and happiness to its
I believe most of us have our own experiences.
Rejections from other people.
Bad words that push us down.
Refuse that poisons, reject that unproductive comments, go beyond.
5. "How do we know if we've forgiven somebody, and have completely moved on?"
The author listed down few check lists to see where we are and how much
further we need to go to finally achieved the term 'completely moved on'.
- Are we still interested to know about them?
- Do we feel our blood boiling when we hear their name being mentioned in a conversation?
- Do we feel awkward when we bump into the person?
- Are our emotions still at the mercy of our senses being triggered by old memories?
- Do we feel unhappy when someone tells us about the person's happiness?
- Are we secretly stalking them?
I agree with the author with letting Gold be the one to "teach our enemies a
lesson". We don't have to be one as Allah surely know the best lesson to give
with the perfect timing.
"Those who spend in prosperity and in adversity, who suppress anger,
and forgive others, verily, Allah loves those who do good." (Quran
Let it go and let God :)
"Experience genuine peace in your life when you learn how to love in
moderation, fear within limits and hate within reason."
6. Each new day, deserves a brand new beginning. Let go of yesterday's hurts, begin the day in the name of Allah. Just as He magnificently heals all of our physical wounds, trust in Him to supernaturally heal our emotional and spiritual wounds too.
I love the part "Never back away from opportunities to help others who are
struggling, by making a positive difference in their lives"
despite having this kind of thought, "But I'm not good enough".
Humans are never perfect.
Humans do make mistakes.
Even the first human Allah created - Prophet Adam, fell with persuasions of
Iblis and eventually being casted out from Paradise, Prophet Adam repented for
his sins and became the first Messenger of ALlah to humanity.
I know we are not prophet, but from this story, we need to believe that humans
make mistake and Allah is always there to forgive us more that we are to
forgive ourselves.
Beautiful :)
SM, Perak, Malaysia
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